In 2005 I enrolled in my first semester of virtual school. I took Biology, Geometry, US History, Language Arts, and, my favorite, Computer Programming. That course, the first real exposure I had to code, set me on the path to where I am today.
Continue reading “Coming Full Circle in My Coding Career”New Job Loading…
After spending so many years working at one place, I took the opportunity to transition on my timeline and still have two more weeks until I start the new job. It’s giving me the opportunity to feel like I have real closure for the end of that chapter. (Although with my husband still working on my old team, I have to fight the temptation to add my $0.02 sometimes.)
I’ll be going from one of the top 5 senior-most developers to brand new and there’s so much information taking up space in my brain that I have little use for anymore. It feels weird expecting to lose that hard-won knowledge, but there’s going to be plenty to learn in the new system!
Continue reading “New Job Loading…”Saying Goodbye to My First Job
The following is an excerpt from my official goodbye emai:
Continue reading “Saying Goodbye to My First Job”Metamorphosis
In the fields near us, it is butterfly season. A time when metamorphosis occurs right before our wonder filled eyes.
Big beauties like this one, soft buttery yellows, and elusive little white ones fill the skies on our daily walk. Right about now, I’m longing to be the butterfly, complete from my transformation and ready to explore the world. But I can tell that I need to have some extra grace for myself.
Continue reading “Metamorphosis”