Half his life is gone in a blur. Time I won’t get back, but in some ways got to experience more fully because we were all home. Two years spent more or less together all of the time. The three of us side by side, at the mercy of the needs of our team. His formative years surrounded by the vocabulary of our tech jobs and transportation terminology. He’s been there in the background for most of our meetings, even stealing the spotlight with some toddler level insight a time or two.
Continue reading “Future Coder”Christmas At Home

This year marks the first time in my life that I won’t be with my parents on Christmas Day.
Continue reading “Christmas At Home”We Need Paid Leave

Six years ago this week, my mom was diagnosed with Stage III Pancreatic Cancer (a type of cancer with a notoriously low survival rate). We happened to be visiting for the holidays at the time, but I sobbed leaving to go back across the country to work, because I didn’t know if I would ever get to see her again.
Continue reading “We Need Paid Leave”Theme From Star Wars

Today marks five years since the release of The Force Awakens but around here it feels like a nonstop Rise of The Resistance.
Continue reading “Theme From Star Wars”Captain Jack Puppy

It’s been 4 years since we brought this baby home. He hasn’t wanted to leave my side in all the years since.
Continue reading “Captain Jack Puppy”Working. Parent.
I wasn’t prepared to hold both these titles simultaneously. But here we are. And I’m doing my best at juggling them both.
Whenever I daydreamed as a child it was for two different visions of what life might look like. Either I wanted to be just like my dad and work with computers ever day, or just like my mom, patiently teaching us at home and helping us grow. As a member of a single-income household, it didn’t cross my mind as an option to be a working (outside-the-home) mother. That life, in a way, chose me.
Continue reading “Working. Parent.”It’s All In Where You Look
Confirmation Bias: we usually find exactly what we’re looking for, even if there’s something else obvious we should consider first.
Continue reading “It’s All In Where You Look”Metamorphosis
In the fields near us, it is butterfly season. A time when metamorphosis occurs right before our wonder filled eyes.
Big beauties like this one, soft buttery yellows, and elusive little white ones fill the skies on our daily walk. Right about now, I’m longing to be the butterfly, complete from my transformation and ready to explore the world. But I can tell that I need to have some extra grace for myself.
Continue reading “Metamorphosis”Finding Our Way Together
If there’s an image that sums up my motherhood, in all it’s messy beauty and simplicity, it might be this one.
Me and my son, walking hand in hand through the mud and towards an open way for us to create our own path. Sometimes him leading, sometimes me. Both of us barefoot and breathing in the experience. A little dirty from sitting with our feelings. A little eager for what’s ahead.
Continue reading “Finding Our Way Together”Where Has The Time Gone?
Has anybody seen my baby? I think he’s around here somewhere, but I can’t seem to find him lately.
It feels like just yesterday that he turned two and suddenly, here we are, six months later with a walking, talking little explorer. He’s always on the move, especially when we go outside. Indoors, he wants to be doing whatever we’re doing. Sitting in my lap while I’m trying to work. Sitting at the counter while we cook. Sitting in the laundry while I fold it. He’s growing up to be such a helper.
I joke. But I still feel this little bit of nostalgia for the baby days. I lived in such a blur during that time, it feels like I never really got to enjoy them before, “poof,” they’re gone. Replaced by these sweet, sweet moments of watching his personality bloom.
Continue reading “Where Has The Time Gone?”